Frequently Asked Questions
How to buy BCERTin Tokens?
Acquire BCERTin Tokens to kick off your project. You can use the BCERTin Token shopping cart (shown below) or purchase your BCERTin Tokens through your BlockCerts representative. (Bonus tokens apply if a promotion is available).
What are NFTCERTin fees?
At NFTCERTin Marketplace, NFTs are created with $0 GAS fees and without miners. You set your price model.
What mode of payment can I use on NFTCERTin?
No need to worry about how to pay your purchases because we’ve got you covered:
Bank Wires
Credit cards
How can I partner with BlockCerts NFTCERTin?
Our dynamic team engages with you to model, optimize, protect and establish the valuation of your assets to build up the critical path to launch, mint, and distribute your NFTs.